Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Sakudaira Angel Clinic (hereinafter referred to as “our Clinic”) will protect and handle your personal information appropriately.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

Our clinic will not acquire personal information by illegal means.

2. Use of Personal Information

Our clinic will strictly manage the personal information provided by our customers and will not use it for any purposes other than those listed below.

  • Various Administrative Contacts
  • Analysis
  • Various statistical data
  • Sending of various information

3. Safe Management of Personal Information

Our clinic will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information we handle and to manage personal information safely.

4. Provision of Personal Information to third parties

Personal information obtained by our clinic will not be disclosed or provided to any third party without the consent of the person concerned. However, this does not apply to cases in which the disclosure of personal information is requested by a government agency or an entrusted party under the authority of the law.

5. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

When our clinic receives a request for disclosure of personal information from the person concerned, we will promptly disclose the information after conducting an investigation. However, if we cannot confirm the identity of the person concerned, we will not disclose the information. If there is an error in the content of personal data managed by our clinic and the person concerned requests a correction or addition to the information, we will promptly respond to the request after an investigation. However, if we cannot confirm the identity of the person concerned, we will not disclose the information. If you have any questions regarding our clinic’s handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address.

Personal Information Consultation Contact

Sakudaira Angel Clinic
1210-1 Nagatoro, Saku-shi, Nagano, 385-0021 Japan
Tel. 0267-67-5816

Revision History
2014-04-11 Formulation of the privacy policy
2016-11-04 Clinic name revised as part of the incorporation